Help us shape a healthier tomorrow: Your voice matters

Māori men fare poorly compared to other New Zealanders across all health measures.
We want to help change that.

Are you a tāne Māori between the ages of 25-45 years? We invite you to join us in creating a
hauora journey that honours our traditions and transforms health outcomes for Māori men.

Co-design Hui – Harnessing Hope in Health

When: Friday, 15 March 2024
Time: 6.00 – 9.30pm
Where: Fifth Avenue Family Practice, 40 Fifth Avenue
Facilitator: Tommy Wilson
RSVP: Thursday, 29 February 2024 or call/text 027 559 1035

Kai and refreshments provided. We look forward to creating a kete of hope together. Nau mai haere mai ki te hui a hope.

Meet our facilitator, Tommy Wilson

Tommy ‘Kapai‘ Wilson is the recently retired CIO (Chief Imagination Officer) of Te Tuinga
Whānau Support Services. A koro to a kete full of moko, four tamariki and married to his
Pirirakau Princess Hera Tangitu.

Tommy believes in the same approach to health as he applied to the homeless – with hope.

“Hope is a hugely powerful resource once we know how to harness it.”